I'm trying to install Japanese language using last Freya release. Steps:

1) Hit + in Language&Region settings.
2) Find japanese or 日本語.
3) Double-click
4) Then the left bar becomes greyed out and not responsive. Can not see any visible progress.

What I'm doing wrong?


1 Answer 1


Nothing wrong in your steps, it happens to me as well, might be a bug.

But we need to install


While installing from terminal using apt-get getting dependency errors as in the bug.(I missed the bug page, I will add the link later)

I manually installed all the .deb packages,

First download all .deb files,





Now install in the order either from Software Centre or from terminal,

From terminal (I suggest use terminal, If you got errors use Software center)

cd ~/Downloads
ls #to avoid errors with file names
sudo dpkg -i [language-pack-ja deb]
sudo dpkg -i [language-pack-ja-base deb]
sudo dpkg -i [language-pack-gnome-ja-base deb]
sudo dpkg -i [language-pack-gnome-ja deb]
sudo apt-get update



If still not able to change to japanese, Again follow the procedure,

1) Hit + in Language&Region settings.
2) Find japanese or 日本語.
3) Double-click (This time should work, as shown in screenshot)


After that hit set language and set system language

You need to restart system to apply changes.

After restart, your language settings will be changed,



  • Cool thanks! Gonna check it. Be right back!
    – orkenstein
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 17:25
  • please follow the order to avoid dependency issue =) @orkenstein
    – Ravan
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 17:27
  • please see my edit @orkenstein
    – Ravan
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 3:26
  • No success. When I'm doing sudo dpkg -i language-pack-ja_14.04+20150804_all.deb get: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of language-pack-ja: language-pack-ja depends on language-pack-ja-base (>= 1:14.04+20150804); however: Package language-pack-ja-base is not configured yet. But sudo dpkg -i language-pack-ja-base_14.04+20150804_all.deb I get: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of language-pack-ja-base: language-pack-ja-base depends on language-pack-ja (>= 1:14.04+20150804); however: Package language-pack-ja is not configured yet. This is strange.
    – orkenstein
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 9:00
  • After some puzzling with packages I finally installed all the dependencies. Change link language-pack-gnome-ja-base_14.04%2B20140410_all.deb -> 20150804 Is it ok that some text is still in English? For example Desktop, Notifications, Language&Region in System Settings
    – orkenstein
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 9:29

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